Friday, August 22, 2008

Photo Project 5 "WATER"

Before project 4 was even completed by most of us, CraftySue was ready for project 5, so theme was chosen and off we go to shoot.

So enter project 5 "WATER"

(photo courtesy

Photo can be anything to do with water, really no limitations on this, if you can think of any possible reason this relates to water, then go for it.

Project 6 will start on 1st sept, so hopefully some water entries will be in before then.

Photo Project 4 Results

Only 3 entries for the wood project.

CraftySue was first with

Sillyb next with a very unartistic

Finally Coyote, who obviously put some thought into his photo

So Kimbo Jones and Wakerider didn't give a photo for this project yet, but when they arrive I will post them.

On to photo project 5

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Photo Project 4 "Wood" Due 23/7

After the flop of the last photo project, a new one has been chosen by Kimbo Jones.

Photo Courtesy

Kimbo Jones *

To help you, a definition follows, but it is open to the widest interpretation.

1. the hard, fibrous substance composing most of the stem and branches of a tree or shrub, and lying beneath the bark; the xylem.
2. the trunks or main stems of trees as suitable for architectural and other purposes; timber or lumber.
3. firewood.
4. the cask, barrel, or keg, as distinguished from the bottle: aged in the wood.
5. wood block (def. 1).
6. Music.
a. a woodwind instrument.
b. the section of a band or orchestra composed of woodwinds.
7. Often, woods. (used with a singular or plural verb) a large and thick collection of growing trees; a grove or forest: They picnicked in the woods.
8. Golf. a club with a wooden head, as a driver, brassie, spoon, or baffy for hitting long shots. Compare iron (def. 5).
9. made of wood; wooden.
10. used to store, work, or carry wood: a wood chisel.
11. dwelling or growing in woods: wood bird.
–verb (used with object)
12. to cover or plant with trees.
13. to supply with wood; get supplies of wood for.
–verb (used without object)
14. to take in or get supplies of wood (often fol. by up): to wood up before the approach of winter.
15. have the wood on, Australian Slang. to have an advantage over or have information that can be used against.
16. knock on wood, (used when knocking on something wooden to assure continued good luck): The car's still in good shape, knock on wood. Also, especially British, touch wood.
17. out of the woods,
a. out of a dangerous, perplexing, or difficult situation; secure; safe.
b. no longer in precarious health or critical condition; out of danger and recovering.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Photo Project 4 "Behind Closed Doors"

EDIT: "Behind Closed Doors" has been changed to an OPEN project, no time limit at the moment. New weekly project to be anounced.

The weekly(ish) photo project has begun. My choice of theme, "Behind Closed Doors". Explore the life that goes on when doors are closed, either real or fantastic, or even the doors themselves, what secrets to the lock away from us?

Sillyb (me)
Kimbo Jones

Due date is 17/7 or thereabouts, stay tuned.

Photo courtesy "the wandering angel"

Photo Project 3 "Night"

Photo project 3 took a little longer than planned, a few weeks longer... But with just 2 entrants it wasn't an issue. I took 4 sets of photo's and put 2 up, with the one below being the final choice. Sadly I still have not finalised the photo, and need to "vintage" it a bit more. But with project 4 now started it will be put on the backburner for a while.

"Night" (By Sillyb)

Night by Wakerider